I have lost my mind! Just be quiet and go watch a movie or something!

Posted: February 27, 2011 in books, children, conflict, couch to 5k, exercise, family, family meal, kids, parents, random, Rant, running, Sunday Dinner, tech-NO rules, technology, teens, xbox 360
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I hate Tech-Free Sunday’s – There I said it!

It can be the most excruciating experience of my week and sometimes I think the kids drive me to a new level of insanity on purpose just so I will call the whole thing off! Tonight we made tacos for dinner (just to tone down the clean up factor)  then played Pictionary and one of my daughters (I will not say which one) talked, chattered, prattled, babbled, any word that you can think of where someone makes noise incessantly, well that was what she did. During the entire game new husband kept looking at me anxiously and asking if I needed a cocktail… I kept saying, no, although I really wanted to say yes, but I had to remind myself that my family-time should not require me to consume more alcohol……so why does it feel like it does? After our game my son (who unbeknownst to me  had just farted) and then proceeded to give me a hug, which required that I linger there hug-length time in his anal stench, meanwhile I say, ‘what is that smell?’ and he starts giggling. To which I reply ‘ughghghghg blech’. Then he said, “mom you aren’t excited”, and I admitted to him that I hate TFS, and he said, “then mom why are we doing it? We are finally getting used to it”, and my reply, “because it’s good for us, like eating our vegetables (cauliflower or brussel sprouts – not my favs).” I keep trying to remind myself about the part in the book, Eat, Pray, Love where she hates a particular mantra/prayer and then discovers that she must discover why she struggles with this prayer before she can get beyond it…I have not reached that level of enlightenment yet, obviously…

I know that on a some deep level it is good for us and maybe today I’m just cranky, I have had the flu all week, (which is why you haven’t heard from me) so maybe I am still not quite myself, but it feels like more than that… I took them all to “The Fuzzy Peach” http://www.thefuzzypeachnc.com/where you buy yogurt by the pound in a very ‘mod’ setting…. why do I feel like such a curmudgeon when I say that $20, for frozen yogurt is a bit much…and while I’m on my rant let me also mention that I ran into the grocery store to grab a  few things for dinner; my bill came to $50.28, so I gave the prepubescent clerk 3 twenty dollar bills (that’s $60), a nickel and a quarter (30 cents)…. Guess what I got back in change????? $9. 97….. WTF…..  Yes, I gave you a nickel and a quarter so you could give me 57 more coins, ( I know this is not PC, but you …. retard!) (New Husband tells me I should not say ‘retard’, but I ask you what else do you call it? – I WOULD NEVER use that term for someone who was actually mentally or physically challenged/impaired/handicapped (pick your term), but this kid wasn’t, he was just an idiot and I called him a retard -in my head!) I didn’t even bother; I stood there for a moment paralyzed and confused as though I had made the mistake and maybe just gave him a quarter, but then realized that he was probably still hearing voices in his headset (which he was obviously no longer wearing)  from his most recent game of Modern Warfare. And in his defense it could have just been an honest mistake, but after that game of Pictionary I am not feeling generous, sorry kid…get some math skills or go stock green beans or something that doesn’t require basic math skills!

As cranky as I sound, it really was a good day, the girls rode their bicycles for the first time in decades ( no exaggeration) without me telling them to do it, and my oldest daughter even complained that I didn’t spend enough time with her on “family day”…. who’d a thunk it? They are embracing it and I am lacking simple appreciation of that precious fact. Tomorrow morning I will start my day with day one of couch to 5K with my son, so hopefully I will have  a more positive attitude when I report to you tomorrow.

Good Night and thanks for tuning in to TFS#6 and I will try to be less itchy tomorrow, I promise!

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