Parenthood is one big cruel game of ‘Would You Rather?’

Posted: August 3, 2011 in children, family, kids, Life, Rant
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Okay so my youngest turned twelve yesterday and as cruel as fate is sometimes she had two items on her birthday wish list: Playstation3 OR a drum set!!!! Please take your time and let that sink in, what would you get her for her birthday?

Meanwhile back at the ranch she has taken to her brother’s xbox 360, which he got for Christmas last year from his father. And because it is HIS game he wants her to call him and ask permission to use it when he is not at home even after I have given my permission for her to use it. So he and I had a little discussion regarding his sole ownership of said gaming device, the fact that he does not own the TV that it is connected to or the house in which it is contained he shall not deny any use while he is not at home. Today while I was waiting for his twin sister to finish cheerleading practice and he went to a friend’s house I got a call from my youngest who was at home with her friend. She called to ask if she could play xbox. I said yes. A few minutes later I get a second call, “Mom he took the controls with him, we can’t play xbox.”  He took those controls even after our friendly little convo??? Now you know I am not a fan of these damn games, but this is starting to piss me off. Why can’t she play the game when he isn’t home? Why do they each have to OWN the game console. If you have to give the game as a gift then I think these stupid games should be given as a family gift. This afternoon I had to give my son another lecture regarding the game that I have now removed from the TV because I am sick of the conflict that it causes. I will send the damn thing to his father’s house, because I’ve had it. They don’t need another thing to fight over. Deathglare.

SO….. would you rather buy a 12-year-old girl a drum set or another gaming device? I got my 12-year-old daughter (with ADHD) an effing drum set for her birthday. I also got her some bubbles, some sidewalk chalk a couple of CDs, and a board game – kinda hoping she only put the drums on her list to push me toward the Playstation. While I was leaving the store with those quiet items I told the woman behind the counter that I had just bought a drum set and would now be going to the liquor store. Then I went to the music store and got an extra set of sticks and some sheet music as well as the name of an instructor. Because if there is one thing that my twins being in the sixth grade band taught me, it’s that the only thing worse than someone playing the drums, or a sax, or a clarinet in your living room it’s someone not playing well! If you have ever been to a sixth grade band concert I’m sure you can appreciate that statement and if you haven’t, then think fingernails on a chalkboard while a tone-deaf chorus sings The Sound of Music Soundtrack. Quite honestly though I prefer that noise to the idea of my kid wasting away on xbox . Not to be a martyr, okay I’ll be a martyr – I consider my suffering a small price to pay for the life experience of my child’s musical education. Actually for some reason I just can’t stand the idea of a child spending endless hours in front of a TV playing a video game while I never sit down trying to keep the floors clean, the dishes washed and the laundry done.

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